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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Shaila Sabt, First Arab Women Become Miss Universe 2013

Woman named Shaila Sabt, was nominated as a participant of Miss Universe 2013. He will become the first Arab woman who will take part in a beauty contest in the world.

The woman who works as a model in Bahrain, previously crowned with the title "Bahrain's Top Model 2010", an event long duration, 6 months, in which the television audience to vote for the candidate they deem suitable role models.

A panel of judges responsible for selecting candidates and count the number of votes cast, as reported by Al Arabiya (25/2).


2200 Year-Old Treasure Found in Russia

Researchers and archaeologists discover ancient tombs from 2,200 years in the Caucasus Mountains, Russia. Not only skeleton warriors, there was also found a treasure trove ranging from bronze helmet until golden plaque.

The researchers said they were very lucky to find a cemetery that has not been touched by this. As an ancient necropolis, cemetery is so coveted by many parties. Even in 2004, the tomb was never a target of the robbers treasure.


Billy Ray Harris Can Homeless Cash $ 145,000 After Return Diamond Ring

Good people good luck. Yes, the sentence is experienced Billy Ray Harris, a homeless man who wandered the streets of Kansas City, United States. Billy received cash of U.S. $ 145,000.

The story began when Billu find an engagement ring that accidentally fell in a plastic cup that he used to accommodate the generous gift coins. Rather than think of "windfall from heaven" Billy decided to restore the precious ring to the owner.


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